The reason of being successful over the years and always moving up the quality in Melsan is a team of highly qualified professionals working with dedication. Our goal under great success of Melsan is throwing signature of growing together in this
company as a family.

In Melsan everyone is the leader of his own work; in our flexible organization which allows each employee to take initiative responsibility for their own work-related issues.

Our Shared Values

In fulfilling our business requirements in Melsan, while protecting performance of the system, we increase
productivity of colleages by helping them in the fields considering their responsibilities and by using our
company’s resources attentively and efficiently to move the company successfuly forward.

We consider achieving the best value adding towards adopting different ideas of teamwork.

In our teamwork we believe of all our employees to be a leader on their areas of responsibility by supporting them for the development.

Ability of being initiative
Believing to our employee’s own business while deciding the most accurateand when finding the right way by their own and supporting this to improve.

One of our basic important principles communicating effectively with everyone we come in contact with. We believe to put ourselves instead of our people and to communicate and listen effectively to them will lead us to success.

While the information reached; by using the obtained information, at every point which we havereached, by questioning our resources and the results obtained, by producing alternatives and interpreting the information we receive from different sources we put our goals beyond the usual structure.

Respect for self and others
We always respect different ideas and opinions, as people desire to reveal their full potential.

Self-learning ability
Learning only ready information from external sources is not considered, we use various tools for information, we want to achieve our personal research and effort from different sources. By interpreting this information we develop and implement this.

The work which needs to be done according to our promise,we do it in a timely manner and accurately.

Being purposeful
While doing our business we believe that it is necessary to reach our goals. All our energy and our resources are used most effectively on the path to purpore.


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